EATACSENS: people counting, data analysis & interpretation

Retail people Counting

Did you know that when consumers have a positive shopping experience their spending is increased by almost 40%! People counting is a crucial element in yielding insights and understanding the factors contributing to this positive experience for retail customers. Variables such as the effectiveness of promotional campaigns, staffing solutions and physical store optimization all have impacts on this experience for the consumer. Converting these insights into useful and practical actions will help you improve your store’s performance and increase profits. Having reliable people counting system is common practice within the retail industry, so it is imperative that you don’t get left behind!


We count in
Over 35.000 shops
Over 30 transport hubs
450 shopping centers
More than 600 streets
The advantages of footfall data for retailers
The benefits of footfall data for retailers can be split up in 4 main focus areas:

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Optimal Staff Allocation

People counting systems will allow you to optimize staff planning and daily operations by determining the correct number of staff to attend to customers and achieve outstanding customer service. There will be a positive correlation between improving customer service and maximizing the sales opportunities. As a retailer, you will be provided with insights into the amount of staff required during holiday periods, the effectiveness of staff during peak and non-peak hours, as well as being able to construct and understand reliable forecasts. In addition to this, the data provided will assist with improved financial structure which will ultimately benefit the retailers profitability.

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Sales Conversion

Retail people counting systems help retailers evaluate their potential to increase sales and profits. Simply analysing revenue achieved is an inadequate method of evaluating this. By looking at the traffic ratio compared to the number of sales is a much more efficient and effective tool. Making it evident that stores that provide an excellent customer experience will have a higher conversion rate. Missed opportunities become more transparent as well as being able to compare performance between multiple retail stores. Qualitative customer traffic data allows a comprehensive examination of the way consumers shop and establish valid sales performances during varying periods within each retail stores.

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Marketing Campaigns Performance

People counting systems will allow you to optimize staff planning and daily operations by determining the correct number of staff to attend to customers and achieve outstanding customer service. There will be a positive correlation between improving customer service and maximizing the sales opportunities. As a retailer, you will be provided with insights into the amount of staff required during holiday periods, the effectiveness of staff during peak and non-peak hours, as well as being able to construct and understand reliable forecasts. In addition to this, the data provided will assist with improved financial structure which will ultimately benefit the retailers profitability.

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Understanding Customer Behaviour

To stand out from other retailers, applying footfall behavioral analysis allows you to gain insights to elements such as: the time customers spend within the store, popular routes that customers use within the store, product placement optimization, waiting times and more. Being able to turn these valuable insights into meaningful reports permit you to discover and improve your store performance. 

How do we count in your retail location?
We use a variety of people counting devices to count in your retail location. This can be in your retail store, at the entrance, or in your shopping centre or another commercial area. After we have discussed your wishes and needs, we take a technology-agnostic approach to help you interpret what is happening at your location. We know like no other that every location is different and requires a different approach and device (suited to the specific area/height situation). The devices we can offer:

> Infrared beam counters

> Thermal Counters

> 3D Stereoscopic Counters

> Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Counters

EATACSENS data analysis, perception & forecasting
At EATACSENS we concentrate not only on the collection of customer data, but also on converting this data into valuable insights. The data is presented in logical and easy to read reports to understand exactly what is going on at the location. These reports are the basis of all data-driven decisions. On top of that, we also forecast what can be expected to happen in terms of visitor numbers on a day to day basis, with an accuracy of 80-95%.

Retail cases
At EATACSENS we have a lot of experience counting people in Retail. Take look at all our cases here. Some highlights of how people counting systems in retail have been used to increase sales:

One of the largest jewellery chains in the Netherlands, with over 100 stores, has a strong need to understand their busiest hours, deploy sufficient staff and gain more insight in the conversion per store. With the help of people counting systems they achieved an understanding of what is currently happening in the stores and are able to predict footfall in future situations. Management is now capable of making smart business decisions based on reliable footfall data.

This sport & adventure retail chain had a strong desire to see how customers move in their physical stores. They also wished to see what the attraction of the new store is to the shoppers. Using EATACSENS’s retail people counting systems they are able to adjust the layout of specific stores by introducing particular product groups at a different location in the store. These changes rapidly led to an increase in conversion.

Retail people counting systems
When it comes to People Counting Solutions, EATACSENS is your key to understanding data and footfall at a deeper level. Our knowledge and experience exceed beyond solely providing the right data. We strive to always provide all possible analyses and interpretations. Read more about the different levels of data we offer here. Curious to see what we can do for your retail store(s)? Nothing is impossible!

Post time: Jan-28-2023